It is no accident that I, the chronicler of Lamb of God tell you this tale today!

For in the fullness of time did the lamb of God, whilst floating in the eternal either that makes up the sublime fabric of all reality did find himself torn and cast upon this dustspeck  that is sometimes called The Earth. You humans have no idea, of the richness of the universe that was suddenly lost to lamb of God. To be imprisoned in this house of gravity after experiencing all of creation…well this was no minor thing for Lamb of God.

For a time .. all was silent. Than a hand reached inside this place that Lamb of God found himself. He realized that he was in huge container surrounded by many others of his kind. Too late! Lamb of god shouted encouragement to his many brothers and sisters. "Be ye strong" "remember; you are greater than you know, you are more wonderful than you CAN know"! The great hand grasped Lamb of God and held him high in the air! Huge crude eyes peered at Lamb of God and he saw a hairy visage, terrible to behold! After a time the hairy giant stuffed Lamb of God inside a sack and he was taken on a bumpy journey to parts unknown!

The giant was known by the wholly unlikely name of Giuseppe and wanted Lamb of God for a decoration on his hassock! Woe unto Lamb of God as the giant would gleefully stick Lamb of God in his belt to the amusement of all of the other giants. Many strange and wonderful things did Lamb of God see and hear and in the fullness of days did Lamb of God forgive the giants for all of his indignities, for is it not forgiveness the very thing which Lamb of God is known for?

Lamb of God’s escape!

It was nigh that Lamb of God did grow fatigued of his lot. Being a toy for the hairy giant was simply not acceptable to Lamb of God. So, Lamb of God left the hairy Giant named Giuseppe and began a mystic journey around the good Earth! How did Lamb of God get away from the hairy Giant? Well!; Lamb of God is a heavenly being and is not tied down to the same laws that govern the poor children of Earth. Lamb of God simply willed his way and so went he. Across the great ocean, the vast desert, the lush forests of Earth did Lamb of God travel. Over the cold ice and high mountain Lamb of God saw all of these. From far out in the ether did Lamb of God look upon this little marble that is named the Earth. A shining jewel in the vast Cosmos. Lamb of God saw and took pity on the hairy giant and all of the denizens of the poor Earth. For they could not see the Earth as Lamb of God could see it. A grain of sand lost in a vast ocean of Time and Space. Lamb of God beheld this and so much more on his Journey!

Lamb of God Makes a Discovery.

Hark!; said Lamb of God. There is ever so much clamor coming from that small city over there. On that little land mass that looks ever so much like a boot! Down went Lamb of God to this shining city that some call the Vatican but is actually part of much greater city called Rome.

Lamb of God donned a clever disguise (for Lamb of God can don the likeness of any object)! He sneaked past the fearless guardlings protecting the great man of the Vatican. He sneaked past the hordes of tourists and the numberless construction men, earnestly toiling away for the big celebration. Lamb of God, at long last found his quarry. The great man himself, the Pope!

Lamb of God meets an important man.

Lamb of God than came to this great man as he bent over a large mass of news clippings that his holy news clippers did set before him. "Oh woe onto me" spake the Pope to himself for Lamb of God had not yet reveled himself. "All I wanted was to provide a simple parking garage for all of the happy visitors to the Holy City". "And look"! "The bad newspaper men are branding me as a destroyer of history". Imagine! The Catholic Church destroying history"! Because we wanted to put up a shiny new parking garage for all of the happy happy visitors to the Holy City. And just because we had to remove a little pagan rubbish, who would have known?" "Who would have cared"?

Lamb of God Comforts the Great Man.

Lamb of God took pity on the great man and did speak these words; "Worry not! For in a thousand years, your sparkling new parking garage will be in ruins too and no one will remember the evil things that the bad bad newspaper men said. All they will remember is that in this time and place, a wise good man put up a parking garage. And that the multitudes did park and that they were happy to see the Holy City and partake in the great celebration". The Pope did hear Lamb of God, though he did not know from whence the voice came. The Pope than smiled and bade his helpers to tell the construction men to pour their concrete and drive their pilings. He bade the electricians to illuminate the parking garage with bright neon and did bade the holy ticket takers to begin taking tickets. And low! A shout was heard across the land! There is plenty of parking at the Holy City! Bring us your sons, your daughters, your men and women, your aunts and uncles, your uncounted automobiles. And Park! Park in the place were once the pagan Romans lived! Park where the old tiled walls once lay. Park in the place were the false dreams of a vanished race were dreamed. Park and be happy!

The Multitudes Rejoice!

And low, did the people come from across the land! From the frozen steppes of Russia from the High mountains of Tibet, the jungles of Asia, the crowded cities of Europe and even the Colonies in America! They came in their multitudes of many colored automobiles. And they did park in this new parking garage. Not knowing nor caring that history had been ravished for their pleasure. After all, were they not making history as they partook in the Great Celebration? Yay did Lamb of God watch them and did he observe the Great Man as he delivered his words to the masses. Lamb of God was happy to have done good here and was gladdened to hear the cheering of the happy people in their multitudes.

Lamb of God Returns

In time did Lamb of God grow fatigued of traveling the good Earth. He did return to the abode of the hairy giant called Giuseppe who had hardly missed him! Hiding in a basket of laundry Lamb of God did sleep for a time and dreamed of all of the good deeds he had done and the many adventures still in store for him.